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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Aerial of The University of Oxford

Glossy square icon. Flag of United Kingdom
  1.  Ashmolean Museum
  2. St. John's College
  3. Jesus College
  4. Covered Market
  5. Christ Church
  6. Balliol College
  7. Lincoln College
  8. Trinity College
  9. Exeter College
  10. Corpus Christi College
  11. Sheldonian Theatre
  12. Brasenose College
  13. Oriel College
  14. New Bodlein
  15. The Bodleian Library
  16. Radcliffe Camera
  17. University Church of St Mary The Virgin
  18. Wadham College
  19. Hartford College
  20. All Souls
  21. Merton College
  22. Mansfield College
  23. Harris Manchester College
  24. New College
  25. University College
  26. Queens College

From Maria, a Polish Oxford student. Thank you!

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